USM Bish wrote:

>On Tue, Dec 13, 2005 at 05:38:12PM +0500, Moinak Ghosh wrote:
>>   The trouble  here is  that an average  SuSE user  will be
>>   completely  lost  if he  is  suddenly  confronted with  a
>>   Mandrake  system. We  do  not want  to  repeat this  with
>>   OpenSolaris.
>This  will never  happen to  OpenSolaris. OpenSolaris  is open
>sourced to the  community but core control  still remains with
>Sun.  The core  sections would  always stay  that way...

Actually core control of Nevada, Sun's OpenSolaris-based Solaris 
product, will remain with Sun, but control (governance, development 
process, etc.) of OpenSolaris will be completely open.


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