Buganda has its problems like other regions do.  This is not new.  Can you give me a region without a problem??  Recently you praised Ankole for developing because they got rid of the Ankole monarchy.  Ankole has a caste system working now as we talk, keeping folks in their social ranks! 
"1) Refusing or failing to move itself from 1500 functioning to 2004."
Frankly, I think you are smoking weed!  What functioning of 1500 is in place today in 2004??  Give me an example.  The monarchy??  Do you honestly think the 1500 monarchy functioning is the same as the one of 2004??!  If such thinking is not based on the smoking of crack, then I don't know what it is based on.
"2) Failing to fight its identification crisis"
What 'identity crisis' are you talking about??  More explanation is needed on this point.
"3) Blaming every body for its failure than its self."
Buganda is not stupid, but can also make mistakes as other regions of Uganda have done and are continuing to do today.  I personally agree with this point of yours, we should not blame others for our failures, but at the same time we should take into consideration the enemies of our freedom!  Obote/UPC is one of them.  This is not to blame Obote for the atrocities he caused, but to acknowledge that we live among enemies. 
That is why we are always in need of new strategies to count on and better ourselves.  But first, in order to better ourselves (Buganda) we've got to apply survival 101 and know how to stay alive.  History has taught us and we are still learning.  The world is not ending yet, we have more to work on. 
Thanks for your advice.  I'm sure people like you will be of a great importance to the building of Buganda.  Play of player!  We must utilize all strategies put on the table.  Don't pluck my nerves!  It's indeed a silly discussion to engage in if Buganda can not stay alive.  They will hate us, envy us, try to kill us, but we have one thing going; survival (largest single tribe/nation in Uganda).  No wonder they feel the threat from us!  They've already and are trying today, to break and destroy us.  But it has all not worked so far because they still sense the threat.
Zakoomu R.

Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just for the record Buganda has 3 major problems
1) Refusing or failing to move its self from 1500 functioning to 2004
2) Failing to fight its identification crisis
3) Blaming every body for its failure than its self.
With out fighting those three and many more I have not listed, it is a silly discussion even to engage in.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Re: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin

In a message dated 3/6/2004 5:28:30 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Yeah, the Kabakaship is to continue after the death of Museveni.  The same way it is continuing after the ousting of Obote and Amin out of Uganda, Buganda.  Mulindwa, time will tell and show you the resilience of the Buganda monarchy.  A new regime, a new strategical survival tactic for Buganda/Kabakaship.  Survivors have got to adopt to the speed of change and new challenges in life. 
I guess we should recognize you as the brilliant Buganda strategist. Otherwise, how else can someone write garbage like this for the rest of Uganda?
You are full of shit! That is all  you are giving us here on the ugandanet. I suggest that you try bugandanet

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