You are exactly right!  The Kabaka has no solutions for Uganda.  His solutions are in Buganda, a part of Uganda not the whole Uganda.  Kabaka is not the president of Uganda.  Are you trying to view him as a political leader again??  Why are you mixing Kabaka with Ugandan politics at large??  This is how you would want to confuse non-critical thinkers!  For a silly fellow would ride on your bandwagon.
On a day like this, we need Federalism.  We want federalism where the Acholi and Lango regions can form their legal state security forces to protect the civilians against external threats.  You very know about this blood thirsty Mu7 using his UPDF to civilians.  Under federalism the Acholi and Langi will not need these Nyarus from Ankole or Buganda to "protect" them.  The same thing will happen, Ankole and Buganda will use her sons and daughters in their regional state security forces to protect their citizens.
One wonders, Why do we have Acholi and Langi police and army men in Buganda and Ankole??  Why do we have Nyankole and Ganda army men in Acholi and Lango??  These are the kinds of misunderstandings and mismanagement Uganda is facing today.  Acholi and Langi army men and women are transported southwards instead of protecting fellow kin men in their home region.  We need to have Acholi and Langi army men who are attached identically to their mother soil to protect and be the shield of their people. 
This transportation (south to north and north to south) has led to the failure of the army to perform its duties of protecting civilians in war tone areas, because they simply do not have enough soldiers.  And soldiers who happen not to be 'ghosts' are infact not attached identically to the people they are supposed to be protecting.  Leading Uganda to all sorts of massacres and tribal hatred.  That is why there is a need for Federalism of the security forces in our respective regions.  We need to start! 
During Kabaka's exile (more than 30yrs), he was not involved in Ugandan matters.  How far did Uganda move??  From one coup to the next!  Wow, Mulindwa that was a very good example given daily here on this discussion group, by non-critical thinkers.  These people have made their case of how the Kabaka has kept them behind, from moving on! 
You know, never ever I hear such silly talk, I wonder how Uganda will be lead.  Because we are being led by folks high on crack, incapable of serious intelligence!  Mulindwa, make more cases for discussion.  Ugandans need to start!
Zakoomu R.

Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Look Zakoomu
On a day like this when Ugandans are being murdered by Museveni with his band of Nyarus from Ankole and Buganda. Any body to discuss even the name of kabaka in this discussion is plainly silly. For you know what? Kabaka is immaterial on Uganda's solution. And the sooner Ugandans accept that, the sooner some of us can move on.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 11:34 PM
Subject: [Ugandacom] Re: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin

How have I become plainly stupid??  Help me out, for I talked sense.  One must always wonder where your sense lies!!  Show us your ideas and maybe plans of improvement.

Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Now truly read this posting, haven't you become plainly stupid?
One must wonder !!
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 7:40 PM
Subject: ugnet_: Re: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin

Yeah, I do see Buganda in the class of survivors.  We have learned from the past, and we are still learning from the events taking place today.  Unless ofcourse if you don't have a brain, Buganda Kingdom is feared, loved, and threatened by Ugandans. 
A non-survivor Kingdom can not be feared, loved, or threatened by Ugandans.  Look at the Ankole kingdom, it is apparently not surviving and long gone!  Look at the Emorot for Iteso, or the Chief of Acholi, they not making it either.  Why?? Their strategy is 0, 0, 0, 0.  Look at Bunyoro kingdom, its strategy is to feed off Buganda phobias. Huh, Bunyoro is a sick MF. 
Today, we have a first lady who feels that her light/place is now being shared by the Queen of Buganda.  Recently, the 1st lady went to Kenya on a different mission.  The Queen of Buganda had also gone to Kenya at a different function.  The 1st lady of Uganda was ignored as old news, and the Queen of Buganda caused quite a stir in Kenya.  The Sambaru tribes of Kenya made the Queen of Buganda their "Queen" with love.  There were no Kenyan tribes admiring the 1st lady as their "1st lady".  Why??  Because Africans know that presidents and their 1st ladies do not care about the people.  Yet African monarchies are deeply connected and they help their people.
1st lady, Janet's envy of the Queen of Buganda is understable.  I bet she can not see herself sharing the spotlight in Ankole with the Queen of Ankole.  Can she??  The cast system will not allow for that to happen.-- 1st lady (Bahima) below the Queen of Ankole (Royal clan) and Winnie Byanyima (Mwiiru) the last in the caste system.  I pray that these people will straighten their problems out.
Honestly, Mulindwa I do see Buganda kingdom in this class.  I can not find other monarchies that could fall in this category.  Excuse me for leading you into other monarchies' businesses, I was trying my best to find one that can equally stand along side Buganda's (in terms of survival).
Zakoomu R.

Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am not going to go into UPC and Obote for that is not the discussion about, it is about Buganda Kingdom and tomorrow. But before we even go into that discussion, you have stated and I quote "Survivors have got to adopt to the speed of change and new challenges in life."
Do you see Buganda in this class? If so, then my friend you must cut down on weed.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 4:57 AM
Subject: ugnet_: Re: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin

Yeah, the Kabakaship is to continue after the death of Museveni.  The same way it is continuing after the ousting of Obote and Amin out of Uganda, Buganda.  Mulindwa, time will tell and show you the resilience of the Buganda monarchy.  A new regime, a new strategical survival tactic for Buganda/Kabakaship.  Survivors have got to adopt to the speed of change and new challenges in life.  And I'll tell you this straight up that Buganda/Kabakaship are survivors and they shall use their Allah-Given brains to avoid becoming victims.  And most of all to stay and retain their statuses.  Do you get the game??  You better catch up!
For we already have the younger generation in touch with its roots.  The branches might be in Uganda but the roots are in Buganda and her Kabakaship.  Mulindwa, you can do and understand better than this.  You know what's taking place.  So, why play with these UPC people's minds??  Why are you feeding on their hatred??  Why are you fooling these people??  I guess staying close to the enemy (UPC,Obote) is your best way of handling things.  Keep staying close with the enemy, you might be of some use in future if your expertise will be needed.  In this game of survival, we will need to try out different approaches and weigh our benefits!  Your approach is after all not as bad if it comes out productive and offers its contributions to the game. 
Mulindwa, play on player!   We should never put all of our eggs in one basket, diversification works well!  Make more cases, just make sure they hold value.  Don't pluck my nerves!  Mbu "A crystal ball can lie these days".  What don't you know??  That traditional leaders are written in the constitution for their continuity after Museveni's death??  Are you really this silly and non-critical of a thinker??
Zakoomu R.

Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"....................................the Kabaka is indeed wrong!  The Kabakaship is to continue after the death of Museveni."
A crystal ball can lie these days.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 3:37 AM
Subject: [Ugandacom] Re: ugnet_: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin

In your ignorance, stupidity, childish-nature, not all people on Ugandanet are non-Baganda!   Now, I want to know how "I don't know what I'm doing"??  I do not see anything wrong with talking about Buganda/Kabaka, a part of Uganda and discussing its cultural values and politics.  Everyone here talks about other regions, why should I not talk about Buganda/Kabaka??  I'll be damned to ignore the mother soil and her Kabaka. 
Again:  What is it that "I don't know what I'm doing"??  Just point out things in my previous email which "I don't know what I'm doing" or talking about. 
Obote tried to "buy" Ankole, Bunyoro, Tooro, and Busoga monarchies with money and all these monarchies agreed to get the cash.  Buganda refused this silly "buying", her Kabaka was exiled, and the seasonal leader (Obote) tried to appoint a prince to take over.  Buganda was (is) not stupid as the temporaly dictator thought it would be (is).  Boote's season is no more!  That's what we call the old rug whose time is outdated.
No matter how much folks here will not agree with me, I'll continue to point it out to you that the Kabakaship / Buganda are survivors.  A new regime comes around, and the rules of survival kick in.  So, whoever thinks that Museveni is "buying" the Kabaka is indeed wrong!  The Kabakaship is to continue after the death of Museveni. 
Buganda can not avoid interactions with the central gov't or any president in power.  By the way, "interactions" do not mean "buying".  Make that clear in your thinking.  Ever since Buganda's capital city, Kampala was made Uganda's, the avoidance is impossible to happen.  If anyone thought that Buganda would break the cord with the gov'ts in power, that is fantasia.  Unless, of course if the whole of Uganda offers another city to serve as the capital city of Uganda to separate and avoid these interactions between Buganda and gov'ts in power.  Until then, there is nothing anyone can do about this. 
Obote made these "interactions" only to come out burned!  Poor, stupid, fellow!  Amin did the same, and see the outcome.  Okello's Junta militia did the same, Museveni swept into the interactions and established himself a dictator.  Every overthrow or takeover that has happened in Uganda is sealed by capturing Buganda's capital city, Kampala and her Entebbe city. 
With all this nonsense that power hungry dictators (past, present, future) have done, you mean to tell me that not all readers on Ugandanet are not interested in Buganda??  This is how stupid and childish you can get!  I do not care if "not all members of ugandanet are Baganda", the truth is that non-Baganda have interests in Buganda at least for as long as it hosts the capital city. 
I personally would want to know which Ugandan does not have an interest in Buganda.  The LRA does have one.  Obote, Amin, Okello, Mu7, etc had (have) one.  And this silly business of people talking about Federo becoming Bugandanized is as stupid and unfocused as they get.  If someone wants to take Buganda out of the limelight, he/she will have to move the capital city to some other part of Uganda, and leave Buganda(Kampala) alone.
To show you how stupid and childish Ugandans have become.  Buganda (Kampala) was declared as a none part of Buganda, it was declared part of Uganda instead.  One wonders that is Buganda not Uganda??  All I can caution you about is that interests in Buganda by all Ugandans is undeniable.  The sooner we realize that the better off Uganda shall be.  As long as "not all readers on Ugandanet are Baganda" but with interests in Buganda, I shall continue to talk about Buganda and singling it out here.  Like it or not!   
Let me hope that you are not that stupid and childish to have not already known the above points I've made.
Zakoomu R.
Now I really believe that you're really stupid or very childish or don't know what you are doing which again reflect my first  observation.
Read your posting and consider that not all readers on Ugandanet are Baganda then you will see why i think your are as indicated above.

In a message dated 3/6/2004 12:54:56 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Buying Obote for what??  Obote can not function at his age!  He is of no use to any thinking Ugandan who is looking forward to the future.  The Kabaka will never be "bought"; he stays, president after president.  Who ever thinks so, is indeed misguided and misinformed, like Obote.  You can never ever buy a Kabaka. 
Obote tried it once, when he offered money to the Ankole, Bunyoro, Tooro, and Busoga monarchies in order to ban them real good, but the Kabaka of Buganda refused and he was exiled.  Obote even wanted to chose who among the princes should take over after Kabaka Muteesa was exiled.  Wrong decision - Poor, stupid, Obote! 
My advice to the anti-Kabaka camps is that, the monarchy of Buganda shall exist no matter what.  The monarchy has already proved resilient towards blows (Obote, Amin).  People, ya'll better use that energy of yours on something else and leave the Kabaka alone.  The Kabaka has us regular folks to back him up no matter what.  That is how strong an alliagence can be to our King(s), present and future. 
Some politicians like Obote, Museveni might think that they are "buying" the Kabaka, but in reality they are to move out and our Prince (Kabaka) is to stay in.  A monarchy is a monarchy, unlike seasonal political leadership i.e Obote, Mu7.  Mr. Yaobang, come up with a better example of folks being 'bought' by cows or money.  I don't know why you people don't understand that Buganda and her Kabakaship are inseparatable.  "Buying" something that will never go away, that has always existed is a sick example of how some Ugandans will never get it.
Zakoomu R.
Now I really believe that you're really stupid or very childish or don't know what you are doing which again reflect my first  observation.
Read your posting and consider that not all readers on Ugandanet are Baganda then you will see why i think your are as indicated above.

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