> > SO, the way i tried from here is:
> > 1. unpack driverpacks to /z/drivers
> > 2. link /z/os/winxp/$oem$/$1/D to /z/drivers/D   and do the same for
> win2k
> > -> driver will be placed in "C:\D"
> > 3. generate devicepath using either setdevicepath.exe (from pyron) (can
> also
> > be done by using a "find ./ -type d" + some extra commands) and put that
> in
> > the file hivesft.inf (it contains a 'key' named DevicePath, and is
> > apparently used as part of a template for the registry
> I did that. It becomes a total nightmare if you got some variation in
> your hardware (lots of directories: the driverpath becomes too long).

uhm.. i'm using all the driverpacks... it doesnt complain yet about the
devicepath being too long (but ok i modified the registry template instead
of putting it in a var in the unattended.txt or winnt.sif or whatever, maybe
that helps?)

The reasons i chose this path are
1. all paths (meaning all .inf files, and thus all drivers) are available
2. no %systemdrive% in DevicePath, but a hardcoded "c:\"  (and come on, who
installs on a different drive than a c:\ drive, especially in a
business/school scenario?)... that gets you a LOT of chars down
3. c:\D\G\I\1 and the like are also (in total) a lot shorter than
z:\drivers\G\I\1 and friends. (Doenst look like much, but that is 6 chars
less... do that a 150 times and that is 900 chars !)

I think i'll include a call to setdevicepath.exe, but then for a mapped
network drive, so when a machine is installed, the drivers can be removed
locally, but are still available on network
Still need to keep the LAN driverpack tho... that's an absolute requirement
here :) but hey, what is a pc without being connected to a network? Lonely
(ok, and more secure too :) )

> So the Pyrons method definitely is your only choice. I think I'm past
> the driver hurdle now; tomorrow or next week I'll also try a more
> varied range of machines.

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