On Nov 14, 2007 5:08 PM, Maurice Libes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i don't know if i understand your problem
> but in case of limited string length from OemPnPDriversPath I suggest
> you to use
> the 2nd method proposed by the DPS_base installation program from DriverPack
> http://driverpacks.net/DriverPacks/
> this method known as Pyron's method can solve this length problem
> All the driver are put in 7z format in a C:\OEM directory
> Then this method create a presetup before the Windows setup
> This presetup launch a programm DevPath.exe which scan the OEM directory
> searching for ".inf" driver files, and modify the
> HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ DevicePath
>  register
> this method works great and you can have as many drivers as you want
> without problem
> with the unattended sourceforge project there is just a hack to do in
> order to make this method functionnal
> 1. you have to copy the OEM Directory containing the drivers, into your
> I386 Directory
> 2. then at install time you MUST copy backward the I386\OEM directory to C:
> i make this copy in the UNATTEND.TXT file  here:
>     doit_cmds = "Z:;cd Z:\os\winxpsp2\i386;xcopy OEM c:\OEM /Y /E /I;
> winnt /rx:
> lang /s:Z:\os\winxpsp2\i386 /u:C:\netinst\unattend.txt"
> hope it can help

When and where do you call devpath.exe then?  I only see you copy the directory.

I also see one problem with putting this in doit_cmds; normally (as
far as I see it) doit_cmds is being generated by unattended if there
is no value pre-defined, and what ends up in it depends on which OS
you chose to install (winxpsp2 in your case). Is there not something
that is executed before the setup (something that is not doit_cmds)?

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