On Fri, 2007-11-16 at 13:53 +1100, Brian May wrote:
> More errors. It reboots once then complains it can't copy setupORG.exe,
> presetup.cmd, etc .
> I am guessing that somewhere these files were suppose to be copied from
> z:\os\winxpsp2\i386 to c:\...\i386, but this doesn't appear to be
> happening.

I ended up following the instructions I found on some dodgy website.

Copy presetup.cmd and setuporg.exe from /os/winxpsp2/i386
to /os/winxpsp2/i386/$OEM$/$$/System32 (need to make this directory).

Remove these files from txtsetup.sif

Now it works.

Yes, this seems ugly; however it is the only way I have got to to work.

Otherwise windows won't copy the files to the C:\ drive in the initial
installation stage, and can't access them later.
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