On Wed, 2007-11-14 at 17:08 +0100, Maurice Libes wrote:
> All the driver are put in 7z format in a C:\OEM directory
> Then this method create a presetup before the Windows setup
> This presetup launch a programm DevPath.exe which scan the OEM directory 
> searching for ".inf" driver files, and modify the
> HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ DevicePath
>  register

I have tried this, but as soon as winnt is called (as per command line
before), I start getting the "Setup was unable to copy the following
file" error.

I started writing a list until I get sick of it:

These files all seem to come from DPM7092.7z.

The things I checked:
* 7z Archive is not corrupt.
* heaps of disk space

Any more ideas? It would be nice if it would tell you more details, or
even if the problem was in the source file or destination file.

> i make this copy in the UNATTEND.TXT file  here:
>     doit_cmds = "Z:;cd Z:\os\winxpsp2\i386;xcopy OEM c:\OEM /Y /E /I; 
> winnt /rx:
> lang /s:Z:\os\winxpsp2\i386 /u:C:\netinst\unattend.txt"

Hmmm. For some reason the GUI created the OEM directory at
Z:\os\winxpsp2\OEM, not at Z:\os\winxpsp2\i386\OEM

Or was I meant to move Z:\os\winxpsp2\OEM to Z:\os\winxpsp2\i386\OEM

I had to modify the above command to suit.

Maybe I was suppose to enter ...\winxpsp2\i386 in the GUI,
not ...\winxpsp2 ? It seemed happy with ...\winxpsp2 .

Still, the fact it is coming up with the file names would seem to imply
it is finding the source files OK.
Victorian Partnership for Advanced Computing

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