On Mon, Nov 26, 2007 at 12:17:30PM +0100, Frank Van Damme wrote:
> Yes, you can also also copy/move the OEM folder to i386\$oem$\$1\OEM,
> so Windows Setup will copy it to the C: drive; this way you can avoid
> messing with doit_cmds parameter. I slipstream my drivers with method
> 2 btw (so I don't have to care too much about the max. length of
> OemPnPDriverPath). It works well.

My assumption (correct me if I am wrong) was that by default the user would get
prompted to add these directories to OemPnPDriverPath.

So if you have same copies of winxpsp2 that use driverspack and some which do
not, this might be an issue.

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