On 2010.08.06, 21:42, Janusz S. Bien <jsb...@mimuw.edu.pl> wrote:

> two occurences of an unexplained abbreviation which refers to a 
> language in which "silvir" means "silver" and "ses" means "six". The 
> name of the language is abbreviated as "Kimr."
> Any ideas what the abbreviation is supposed to mean?

Welsh? (probably not Gimr < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kimr_people >.)

António MARTINS-Tuválkin                                            ____.
<anto...@tuvalkin.web.pt>                                          |  ()|
                                         Não me invejo de quem tem |####|
PT-1500-111 LISBOA                       carros, parelhas e montes      |
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ICQ:193279138  http://tuvalkin.web.pt/   a água em todas as fontes      |
De sable uma fonte e bordadura escaqueada de jalde e goles, por timbre a 
bandeira, por mote o 1º verso acima, e por grito de guerra "Mi rajtas!".

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