In a message dated 6/11/07 2:19:57 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

This post may be your most twisted perspective on reality, yet.

Not sure where we disagree here, Liz.  

Your statement,
"The "best" thing Penn did under Judith Rodin was to stop BADMOUTHING the
neighborhood. ...
 it was great, once Judith Rodin took over, to see more people REALIZING
runs totally counter to the my perception of the early years of Rodin's

JR's 'successes' were based on the false recording of you, me and our
neighbors as a disproportionately dangerous collection of low-income,
criminal types.

Even when Penn was 'good' it were discouraging.
In the first year of the 'new' PENN housing initiatives, Penn made a big
deal out of defining 'low income' as a number just high enough (I think
it was $42 K or $60 K)  to make every one with less feel bad or
unqualified, and anyone with more prepared to run from the risk of being
labeled unsuccessful.

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