On 6/12/07, KAREN ALLEN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Penn/UCD badmouths this neighborhood to this day.  Penn still markets
by exaggerating how  they singlehandedly waived their magic wand and
this "post industrial wasteland" of ten years ago into the heaven-on-earth
we see now. And now, as Ross pointed out, they've even wrote a book about
it.  UCD still implies that without them, all that we now see is a mere
mirage that will disappear as if someone pulled the plug on the TV.

Ahem. This gives me a chance to point out that in fact *I* wrote the book
about it several years before Judy. Or at least the movie treatment. It can
be found, free, at:


My lawyers are just waiting to get a look at Judy's book to see how much she
plagiarized, and what we can get in damages.

Ross Bender

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