sbp wrote: 
> Hi Greg
> We (bmarkus or me) compile our own kernel from the raspberry github, and
> as far as I understand it the B+ model needs the newest kernel in order
> for the USB and LAN to function, but actually I think that these changes
> have been in the kernel for a long time, and therefore piCorePlayer1.6a
> will work on the B+.

Thanks Steen,

I get it. :) Yes, the changes were already in place before the model B+
was released.

> The firmware files are simply downloaded from here and then copied to
> the boot partition on the SD-card.
> However, the I2S-stuff is probably not working as they previously was
> taken via the P5 connector, and now they are located in the larger 40
> pin P1 connector, but I know that HiFiBerry have made changes to the
> kernel, so that it will automatically select the correct pins for the
> I2S.

I looks like the firmware was updated 3 days ago to include the I2S auto
selection of BCM2708_I2S_GPIO_PIN18 (ALT0) or BCM2708_I2S_GPIO_PIN28
(ALT2) depending on PCB revision. 

> Gordon from the IQaudIO are currently working on a fix to the kernel for
> his card as well (it seems like there have been some changes to the
> kernel in 3.15 that causes problems for the IQaudIO card)
>   but for the moment
> 3.15 kernel will make it impossible to use a IQaudIO card.

Not good.


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