poing wrote: 
> Thanks a lot for the update, guys :)
> I have two small issues:
> 1.) It seems the new version 1.21_RPI (running on a B+) doesn't obey the
> hostname I set in the "Tweaks" section of the web UI. Despite me
> changing the hostname to something different, my router displays it as
> piCorePlayer. When logging into the pi (using its IP address) via ssh
> and issuing the command "hostname", the output is also piCorePlayer and
> not what I set in the Tweaks section.

I can't reproduce - but please notice that a change will only become
active after a reboot.

poing wrote: 
> 2.) I can confirm the previously reported issue. I installed 1.21_RPI
> and rebooted once. squeezelite wouldn't start. I'm using a hifiberry
> DAC+. After rebooting once again, everything was fine.

Yes this is the unfortunate side effect of using the devicetree method.
You will need a reboot in order to change to a I2S audio DAC.

poing wrote: 
> EDIT -- Some thoughts on the update. The new feature which allows for
> easy switching between all local picoreplayer devices is really useful.
> Great job! I also like the new modes. It might make sense, though, to
> let picoreplayer remember the chosen mode. When I set the mode to
> "advanced", close the web UI, and open it up again, the mode is back at
> "normal."

Thanks for the suggestion. 


piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 
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