JackOfAll wrote: 
> Marco, I mean you no disrespect, and I wouldn't be surprised if English
> isn't your first language, but the line I have quoted above, is the only
> part of what you said I understand.
> Look, if people want to claim that having applied processing to PCM, to
> transcode to DSD, and it sounds much better, good luck to them. The
> problem with taking these people seriously, is that I was talking to one
> of them a week ago and this is what he was telling me. But then he told
> me that he is using a DSD dac that I know is not a native DSD DAC. It
> accepts DSD input, but the DAC internals convert back to PCM before it
> outputs to his amplifier. I haven't got time for fools! Sorry.

Of course English is not my mother tongue, I apologize for that, but you
get the essential.

The problem is - as you said - the concept of "Better". But If you
translate it to "different" there is nothing wrong in your friend
statement, converting PCM to DSD is lossy and (could) change the sound
quality, when the DAC revert back to PCM, again is lossy. I think is not
a 'fool', but I'm with you and nobody could make me think is 'better'. 

That's all.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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