Hi, first of all I want to thank you because it's amazing to make in no
time an multiroom sound system!!

May I ask something about the "Auto start tweaks", It works pretty nice
when the squeezelite instance is not on the LMS device.

When I setup my installation of 5 RPI all the 4 with only squeezelite
run well with the auto start tweaks to start my favorite webradio. I
think it could be the boot order that make this behavior.

1. start OS
2. start Squeezelite
3. start LMS

In this order when squeezelite looks for the right stream, LMS is not UP
so he can't provide the right stream. If it's possible to wait until LMS
is UP to start squeezelite, I think this nice option is making sense.

I hope you can find a solution to make that working :P

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