Hi folks - hope this is the right place to post.

I've been using LMS/Touch for a long time - but very new to Pi audio.  

I acquired a Pi B+ with an IQaudIO Pi-Dac+, and successfully (and
easily!) got PiCorePlayer running on it - and absolutely loving it so

My question is - is there a way - or a good reason why it's not possible
- to have two output devices (the Pi-Dac+ -and- USB output) running at
the same time?

My use-case is that I run USB out from the Pi to an external DAC and
downstream hardware, and then the Pi-Dac+ to a separate headphone-only
amp.  At the moment I just log into the web interface and change my
audio output in the squeezelite settings, which is fine - but it would
be nice to not have to.

Further question - and forgive me if it's a stupid one - is it possible
to add a hardware 'audio output selector' switch to the Pi to achieve
the same thing?!

Thanks - and props to the creators - the Pi plus PCP is awesome and has
really moved my system on.


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