d6jg wrote: 
> The hardware switch is a no no. Squeezelite needs a reboot.
> Most *nix allow more than one instance of Squeezelite so I suspect it is
> possible but not implemented by pCp people.
> My simple answer. Get another Pi without DAC for the USB out and synch
> the two if you need to. Small enough to hide away and not that expensive
> really. Pi3, SD card, case & powersupply is £40 in UK.
> Edit. The Pi3 onboard wireless currently doesn't allow NTP (time
> update). Although onboard wifi does work with pCp too many things rely
> on time so either run wired or add a wifi dongle for now. It's a Pi
> thing not pCp.

Thank for the reply.  I suppose I could use two Pi's - then switch
player via LMS/iPeng, whatever...

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