rlsx wrote: 
> Sorry -- my mistake. 
> I meant to ask about the "new format" squeezelite:
> :    Squeezelite-x86_64-1.8.7r1052.dmg
> How does one configure the command-line arguments, such as "output
> device" ?
> (You will forgive me if this isn't the correct thread, for
> squeezelite...)
> Thanks

I use launchctl so squeezelite starts at boot on the mac.

>From a terminal window

Get the device name to use with the -o option.

    $ /Applications/Squeezelite.app/Contents/MacOS/Squeezelite -l
  Output devices:
  0 - Soundflower (64ch) [Core Audio]
  1 - Soundflower (2ch) [Core Audio]

Test it. Play a track and then press control-c to quit.

    $ /Applications/Squeezelite.app/Contents/MacOS/Squeezelite -o "Soundflower 
(2ch)" -d all=debug
  [07:37:04.541770] stream_init:294 init stream
  [07:37:04.542361] stream_init:295 streambuf size: 2097152
  [07:37:04.542678] output_init_pa:493 init output
  [07:37:04.542705] output_init_pa:513 requested latency: 0
  [07:37:04.648629] output_init_common:347 outputbuf size: 3528000
  [07:37:04.649345] output_init_common:371 idle timeout: 0
  [07:37:04.962476] output_init_common:411 supported rates: 384000 352800 
192000 176400 96000 88200 48000 44100 32000 24000 22500 16000 12000 11025 8000 
  [07:37:04.962516] _pa_open:302 opening device in PlayNice mode
  [07:37:04.976796] _pa_open:330 *opened device 1 - Soundflower (2ch) *at 44100 
latency 11 ms
  [07:37:04.977083] decode_init:153 init decode
  ... snip ...
  ^C[07:37:11.845776] slimproto_stop:1004 slimproto stop
  [07:37:11.946470] decode_close:212 close decode
  [07:37:11.980752] stream_close:331 close stream
  [07:37:12.016236] output_close_pa:533 close output

Copy the included squeezelite.plist to the launchctl folder.

    $ sudo cp /Applications/Squeezelite.app/Contents/MacOS/squeezelite.plist 

Add the -o option to /Library/LaunchDaemons/squeezelite.plist

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" 
  <plist version="1.0">
  *                <string>-o</string>
  <string>Soundflower (2ch)</string>
  *                <string>-a</string>

Start squeezelite and enable autostart at boot.

    sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/squeezelite.plist

Confirm it started. If not, check the log /var/log/Squeezelite.log

    $ ps -fe | grep Squeezelite
  0 17610     1   0  7:57AM ??         0:00.37 
/Applications/Squeezelite.app/Contents/MacOS/Squeezelite -o Soundflower (2ch) 
-a 100 -f /var/log/Squeezelite.log -N /var/log/Squeezelite.name

To stop squeezelite and disable autostart.

    sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/squeezelite.plist


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio
'Squeezebox client builds'
(https://sourceforge.net/projects/lmsclients/files/) 'donations'
always appreciated.
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