Thanks, for the link.  I have to admit, I missed that or forgot about it
as it didn't apply to my situation yet back when I read this thread the
first couple times last month.

The bad news is it didn't work.  I unsquashed pcp-jivelite.tcz, edited
the script, resquashed and replaced.  Switched the line in
do_rebootstuff back to that script.  On reboot, same symptoms.  I
verified that the revised script was persistent.  Maybe I need to undo
some of the other NJW edits to the do_rebootstuff script, but I still
don't see what in that script is keeping the framebuffer from being
created and the jivelite binary from starting.

Bottom line: What in the LMS section of do_rebootstuff.sh causes the
Jivelite section from not running properly?  I just don't see a culprit.

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