Additional edits to fix the symptom, but don't explain
the cause.

By adding a line that stops LMS at the beginning of the Jivelite section
of the do_rebootstuff script

    sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/slimserver stop

jivelite starts after about a 20 second delay.
Since that worked, I added a line at the end of the Jivelite section to
start LMS back up

    sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/slimserver start

That re-breaks it.  Adding that to The Jivelite portion or even adding
it at the very end of do_rebootstuff causes jivelite to never start.
I tried adding a sleep command before LMS is restarted, but even
sleeping for 2 minutes doesn't allow jivelite to start.
The only way I've found to restart LMS is to call a separate script to
restart LMS.

    sudo /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/ >/dev/null 2>&1

I still need someone who understands linux better than me to explain why
Jivelite doesn't start unless LMS is stopped and why issuing a command
in do_rebootstuff to restart LMS after jivelite is called still prevents
Jivelite from starting.

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