d6jg wrote: 
> Personally I opted for a full hifi amp with phono stage and use the
> sister product UCA202 which is line level only connected to the tape
> loop for digitising vinyl to FLAC. It saves remembering to switch the
> input over on the device. 
> I usually have it connected direct to a laptop but have also built a Pi
> that takes the input whatever that may be and streams it as FLAC over
> the network for LMS to tune in to. That Pi uses Raspbian, Liquidsoap &
> Icecast and is located in my living room but recently I have also toyed
> with a piCorePlayer LMS and audio input as discussed which would be
> cleaner but would need me to provide permanent ethernet in my Living
> Room.
> NB. There is a bit of lag with audio input direct to pCp but much more
> using the streaming server method. It can be off putting when playing
> vinyl to put the needle down and only hear the drop a second or so
> later.

Okay interesting, I'll bookmark this so when it is time, I can find it

And the delay could be exciting, especially if I forget to reduce the
volume.  :)

I still think adding an RIAA curve option or two might be interesting. 
Maybe a customizable/tweakable RIAA curve.  Though I'm not sure if it is
possible, if the software would be able to perform sufficient
amplification, I think RIAA adds quite a bit.

The days we live in, I can remember working on my old Heath H-89 (CP/M
and HDOS) systems, and struggling to get the the most simple of things

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