I've got some issue's to get my piCorePlayer v6.0.0-b1 on a pi4x4
connected to a BT speaker ( clip3 )
As it is my first attempt, I am not sure I am not making any beginner
mistakes here.
So please hint me in the right direction.

The set ( pi and speaker ) have worked before in Raspbian Buster, but
just converted the set to PCP.
Wifi is on , but not configured as I do run the set wired, and to lazy
to put a soft-ap on it.

'Scan' does not find anything ( and I made sure at least 2 never
connected phones were visible at the same time )
pair ,  select  and forget falldown menus are empty.

bt log shows:

  Flash firmware /usr/local/lib/firmware/brcm/BCM4345C0.hcd
  Set BDADDR UART: **mac**
  Set Controller UART speed to 3000000 bit/s
  Device setup complete
  RPi Bluetooth Hardware Address: **MAC**
  Powering on the BT controller
  Device /dev/mmcblk0p1 could not connect
  Last message repeated 70 times.
  Device /dev/mmcblk0p1 could not connect
  Last message repeated 200 times.

The odd thing is /dev/mmcblk0p1 is the block device or partition that
was not mounted at first, and after I mounted that manually it continues
to warn about it.

Is this an error in the software of is the error between the screen and
chair ? Anyone got it up and running on this beta and a pi4 ?

Pi based multi-room audio system powered by PiCorePlayer(s):
Pi3B with Phat-dac in a Rasptouch, 2 pi B+ with Cirrus Logic Audio Card,
Pi Zero with Phat-beat ,  and a few other tests...
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