kidstypike wrote: 
> An SSD drive is even faster, here's mine - 
> 27681

Indeed that is fast at 2K songs per minute it is twice as fast as my
initial test;
6K songs on local usb3 disk @ 6 minutes => 1K songs a minute

But are we really using the all the new pi its potential ? 
I just screwed up the SD as it had only a 200 MB partition, and had the
LMS cache still pointing at /mnt/mmcblk0p2/somewhere while doing the
first scan. It ran out of data, prevented any orderly shutdown, and
finally did only boot tinycore without PCP sauce.
With perhaps 3 gig ram spare it could have prevented the diskspace to
run out , and come up with some alternative like a reasonable message.

Pi based multi-room audio system powered by PiCorePlayer(s):
Pi3B with Phat-dac in a Rasptouch, 2 pi B+ with Cirrus Logic Audio Card,
Pi Zero with Phat-beat ,  and a few other tests...
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