Well on the rpi4b I tried the other day, it would not install properly.

I had to edit the config file as per Jeff's post.

Bloody vi. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I went for the figures recommended by Jeff and although the
install completed it was not correct.

Everything was blurry at the edges.

On the rpi1B (turtle), you can see from my quick snap that the picture
is much better.


That's the default screen resolution.

I'm also running the Raspbian Desktop Buster Imageinto the same Monitor
with the resolution at 1920 1080.

That picture is fine. I have been playing with Jivelite on that. 

I'll post a screen shot as an edit, from the pi


|Filename: jivelite.jpg                                             |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=27813|

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