I've installed pCP6-b4 onto a 3A+ this evening.  You definitely need
your brain in gear with the 3A+, since it has no ethernet socket and
only one USB socket.  Setting it up to act as a wifi AP means either
doing the installation in a 3B+, or using a USB-to-Ethernet adapter, and
if you have your music library on a USB device then it helps to have a
USB hub so that you can have the ethernet adapter and the disk attached
at the same time during setup.

But once it's set up it works fine.  My 3A+ is used in my camper van, so
I love the fact that I can have multiple Bluetooth speakers paired.  A
noticeable difference compared to my 4B though is that the 3A+ struggles
to play through more than one bluetooth speaker, whereas the 4B can play
through 3 simultaneously.

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