I have started from scratch, with a backup and reboot at each stage.
>From the point at which Jivelite is installed, I get a screen OK. 

Once I enter /home/tc/sbpd-script.sh as a user script on the Tweaks
page, the screen doesn't refresh from the last reboot - it's still
saying it's Requesting system boot".

If I delete that user command and reboot, Jivelite launches as far as
the language selection.

If I run /home/tc/sbpd-script.sh on a command line, I see:

2020-01-25 19:18:27 initCheckPermitted: 
|Sorry, you don't have permission to run this program.    |
|Try running as root, e.g. precede the command with sudo. |

Can't initialise pigpio library
sbpd -v -f /home/tc/sbpd_commands.cfg b,5,MIX+,2,0,VMAX,250
b,6,MIX-,2,0,VMIN,250 b,16,KEY:KEY_UP,2,0,KEY:KEY_RIGHT,250
1579979908.3118 6 sbpd.c,307: Options parsing: Set verbose mode
1579979908.3134 6 sbpd.c,366: Options parsing: Setting command config
file to /home/tc/sbpd_commands.cfg
1579979908.3149 6 sbpd.c,493: Config file /home/tc/sbpd_commands.cfg :
not found
1579979908.3161 6 sbpd.c,496: Using builtin button configuration
1579979908.3172 6 control.c,108: Adding Command PLAY: Fragment
1579979908.3184 6 control.c,108: Adding Command VOL+: Fragment
1579979908.3191 6 control.c,108: Adding Command VOL-: Fragment
1579979908.3198 6 control.c,108: Adding Command PREV: Fragment
1579979908.3202 6 control.c,108: Adding Command NEXT: Fragment
1579979908.3203 6 control.c,108: Adding Command POWR: Fragment
1579979908.3204 6 GPIO.c,312: Initializing GPIO
1579979908.3271 3 sbpd.c,202: Could not connect to pigpiod. Is it

If I run it as sudo from the command line, the buttons now operate as

If I use sudo /home/tc/sbpd-script.sh in the user command section, the
display never refreshes. If I delete the user command and reboot, after
a bit of delay, I see the splash screen and I end up at the main menu,
with non-functional buttons.

Looks to me as though the issue is the execution of sbpd-script.sh


*Home: *Raspberry Pi 3/piCoreplayer/LMS7.9.2  with files on QNAP
Touch > DacMagic 100 > Naim Audio Nait 3 > Mission 752 (plus Rega
Planar 3 > Rega Fono Mini; Naim CD3)
2 x Squeezebox Radios, 1 X Squeezebox 3 (retired), spare
*Office:* LMS7.9.2 running on WiFi MyPassport drive > Raspberry Pi 3
with touchscreen/piCorePlayer/IQaudIO DAC and Amp
SqueezePad, iPeng as controllers 

Grumpy Bob's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=41857
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