huxmut wrote: 
> can you provide a bit more information please. 
> So some things like its a pi 3b on a 3A psu and the screen is one like
> in this link xxx.xxxx/xxx/xxx and i've connected it via hdmi etc etc

ok here is the setup: I have a NT-50HQ psu with two separated outputs
(2x5V 3A). One for the RPI 3B+ and one for the Katana DAC. As the Katana
only uses GPIO Pins # 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 35, 40 and the Display needs SPI
pins (SCK, MOSI, MISO, CE0, CE1) as well as GPIO #25 and #24, I
separated the Pins and connected the dac and the display manually. So
for now everything works fine. To finish my project I want to add 3 more

1. The display should show the jivelite add-on. For the moment there is
only the boot screen. If I connect a HDMI Display it will show the
jivelite output.

2. I want to add 2 LEDs. One should just show the active power supply.
No problem at all. And the second one should show if the RPI is running.

3. A power button to shutdown the PI properly.

for the moment the 1 feature is most important for me. Does anybody has
a clue?

Thank you very much! 


|Filename: IMG_0518.jpg                                             |

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