ralphy wrote: 
> The squeezelite extension has been updated to v1.9.9.1356 to support
> down mixing the L + R channels to MONO and sending the MONO mix to both
> the LEFT and RIGHT speakers.
> This will allow you to connect a single speaker to a pCP player on
> either channel for a MONO setup.  No more need to modify alsa.conf
> The new feature requires LMS 8.2.0-1613989247 from February 22nd 2021 or
> newer then at the bottom of the LMS Player Audio Settings change Output
> Channel Mode to Both Channels (Mono).
> 33514
> Thanks to philippe44 for both the LMS feature and squeezelite changes.

Hi Ralphy - that's nice :-)  It's been a asound.conf edit for me always,
so this will make things easier to maintain.  One question (since I know
this requires careful tweaking of asound.conf) - can you use this
setting with the equaliser?  My single speakers setups are small, so
need a little help from equaliser settings.  I'm guessing if this is a
squeezelite setting, it's separate to the equaliser changes in asound,
but just thought I'd ask....

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