I'd like to try an extension that's available for TCL, but not listed as
available for pCP.

Is there a way to configure pCP to access a TCL extension repo?

Specifically, I'd like to install pulseaudio.  I currently run about
half a dozen CHIP ("$9 computer") boards around the house -- they run
squeezelite for music, and also pulseaudio so that I can feed them home
automation announcements, etc. across the network.  I don't know whether
squeezelite uses the pulseaudio install or maybe goes direct to also,
but the end result is that both audio sources (i.e., an LMS stream, and
a home automation caller-id announcement, for example) can both play at
the same time.  As my CHIPs die over time, I'd like to replace them with
raspberry pi boards and pCP, but I need this functionality.


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