Thanks for the advice Paul and Ronnie. I've now put the Digi2 Pro onto a
spare Pi I have and left the Digi+ Pro on the original to compare. Both
have Digi+ Pro selected as the output device, both have
sysdefault:CARD=sndrpihifiberry as the Output setting. So as far as I
can tell, both are set exactly the same, but the Digi+ Pro works and the
Digi2 Pro doesn't. @Ronnie, the red light on the optical output is
illuminated on both players. I haven't tried another OS yet.

There was a glimmer of hope when I was swapping output cables. I heard a
split second of sound, which must have come from the Digi2 as the other
one wasn't playing anything. Can't recreate this though. Is it possible
that the board is faulty?

Thanks for your patience,


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