On 26/07/2012, at 8:40 AM, Chipp Walters wrote:

> How does LC determine density?

Good question. If the engine does it then it doesn't provide that info to us.

We know density on iOS so we use that to switch between mdpi and xhdpi. 

On android we can only make an educated guess based on this data:
                        ldpi            mdpi    hdpi    xhdpi
small           1.7%                    1.3%    
normal          0.4%    12.9%   57.5%   18.0%
large           0.2%    2.9%            
xlarge                          5.1%

If the screenrect has either a width or height >= 1024 then we assume it's a 
large or xlarge screen and use the tablet ui. We can also see from the stats 
that it's going to be mdpi. If it's normal or small it's most likely to be hdpi 
so we would run with that and given that is a reasonable middle ground our apps 
should be usable for mdpi and xhdpi users. We could have a guess at ldpi if the 
screen size <= 400 or something but the percentages are so small.


M E R Goulding 
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Bespoke application development for vertical markets

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