Your labels are one order of magnitude off the actual values, Bob. Say it with me: 1,024,000,000 BYTES is "one billion bytes" (and change, depending on whose standard you use). Of course one billion bytes is a gigabyte.

Same with the labeling of 1,024,000 BYTES = 1000kb = a megabyte, not a gig.

Phil Davis

On 2/10/17 6:57 PM, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:
isn't it kBytes not bits? So 32,000 * 32000 Bytes (a pixel takes up one Byte in 
8 bit color) which comes to 1,024,000,000 BYTES. That's 1.024 terabytes, unless 
my faculties have wholly abandoned me. Of course, a black and white image is 
1,024,000 BYTES, or 1.023 GIGS, but are we talking about black and white images?

That said, I am a couple strong ales in at this point, sooo...

Bob S

On Feb 10, 2017, at 10:33 , Mark Waddingham via use-livecode 
<> wrote:

As you correctly point out 32k x 32k comes in at 1Gb pixels - which at 24-bit 
RGB comes out at 4Gb of data.

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