Thanks again for the link Mr. Miscdas.

Mr Miscdas wrote:

>Now that you mentioned Sprites and collision detection, did you look at the
>intersect function? It seems to me that you could simply test the inersect
>of each of the sprites with each other. If for some reason the sprintes are
>not objects that the intersect can be determined, then drawing your polygon
>around the sprites and then testing the intersect for each polygon will get
>you collision detection.

If I donīt do something essential wrong this wonīt work. The intersect
function seems only to check the bounding rectangle of an object. So this is
not very precise. (I check at start using the intersect function for the
rough part of the collision detection.)
Perhaps I should follow the tips that were suggested on this list a few
month earlier checking the image- and maskdata of the objects and look if
their values are bigger than a certain threshhold.

Thank you,


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