In 1980 I worked with Kenny Jones (now at Digital Domain) at a place called New World Pictures. We worked on a machine called the Elicon, a camera control robot that was programmed in FORTH, and made movie special effects for Roger Corman and others.

It was a beautiful piece of work - dc servo motors driven from a huge interface panel and a PDP-11.

I liked FORTH a lot. I had an implementation of FORTH for the Apple ][ that screamed. UI was a command line.

I also liked a feature of Hypercard that was like forth - you could redefine and intercept a lower level handler using the same name. I guess it was a design decision to not allow that in Transcript.... but why?



One of the great things about Forth was the overhead of just a few machine language instructions to execute a high level function call. Transcript seems to require a trip around the world to jump next door. For GUI speed stuff, it would not be a problem, but for my array crunching stuff, I am stuck writing everything in one handler to keep the speed up. The convenience of having an environment like that would be very tempting to use for whatever could stand the overhead --and that might be quit a lot of applications.


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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