> I hope it is OK that I duplicate these forum posts on the list.
> I have been working on a new script and am finally far enough along to 
> show some wip:
> http://catmtn.com/images/renders/rwz_rect-test9.jpg

Wow :

  Just fantastic ! RS scripting appears to be very powerful
and versatile .


> The objects in the image were created, literally, in about 10 seconds.
> They are made, entirely, out of booleaned analyticals.
> As you can see in the select window, all objects are arranged in a 
> orderly fashion, correctly named and numbered where applicable, and have 
> default material mappings.
> There is still much functionality to be added.
> I think it will be ready for release by year's end.

> Cheerz,
> Zaug
> P.S. The glass is turned off in this AO render.

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