> Try rendering the skin file under samples, or something else with GI, 
> until that one only gets a color channel, not sure if this is the 
> intended behavior or not.
> Zaug

Hi Zaug :

  Ah-so . Yes it's there , and I totally could not find it (not sure
what you mean by "until that one only gets a color channel") .

Anyway , create & render just a simple sphere and at the very bottom
of the 'View Window/Render' menu is the option to "Show Backup" the
'Colour' channel . 

 Personally , I think there should be a header with "Show Backup" ,
and the available channels listed directly underneath . Maybe that
is not do-able with the XP menu system ?

  If not , then maybe this new option could be somewhere that a
_new user_ can easily locate . (or just add a pre-hyphen etc)

Then again , maybe it's a simple fix that can be added to SP1 ?

It's an awesome time saving tool . New users can explore the very
powerful channel system that exists just below the surface ...
advanced users no longer have to fire up 'ShowImg.exe' , select
the file , then choose the channel .

Thanks for your reply (& thanks RS for this V6 addition) .



<<attachment: channel.gif>>

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