Hello Garry,
studio wrote:
Hi Zaug :
zaug wrote:
If you render an image utilizing GI you should get
this list you speak of .

Yes , Zaug , I know , that's why I said "Ah-so . Yes it's there" . I did exactly what you suggested , and
tried the Samples/render/skin project , and lo & behold
there they were , at the bottom of the View menu .
Thanks for your suggestion.
Hehe, cool, nice tool, indeed. Beyond this, the Linux version used to "drop" the image when one did nearly anything, now the bu image is there even after switching desktops.
Amazing how nice this one improvement is  : )
(I swear to god my posts are being put through some kind
of random word generator)
lol, and your point  ; )
Ah, see below
  Anyway , my point was that now with V6, renders auto-
matically get backed up , but new users will not be
able to find the menu item to re-display them .

Right, I guess I cannot address this accurately
  In V5.x , it was a no-brainer , and that's exactly the
way some things should work , simple , and obvious , so
that new users can D/L the S/W and see how intuitive it
is , as well as powerful .

Well, it is mentioned in the startup tutes so likely most new users will find it soon enough but if not, we will be there to show them ; )

  Anyway , how's your latest Java Script coming along ?
I lost about a week of coding time going on holiday-ish road trip with a less that prepared laptop, to boot :| but in the next hours there will be a largely-commented, hack version to test; posing as a semi-complete script. So have a look and post an idea or two, most all is possible or close..........
Is it any easier with V6 ?
TBH, I have not even checked to see if some of the new features are covered in the .js api. Really the best thing was that nothing changed that caused any recoding work.
I really think that your Java
work will open many doors for the RS community .
Just windows for now....
sorry could not resist  : D
But the doors should be a short leap ; I hope, (I am the great under-estimator, or maybe it is optimism; nah!! ; )

Anyway thanks for this nice comment, I am just hacking at it persistently ( I think I operate on a rule of 1% inspiration 99% ........., nothing magic and few gifts at work that are not from the immediate RS community).
On the shoulders of Giants!!

almost enough to make you want to learn the language ...
almost (grin) .
Just like all things, do not try to do it all at once, make a nice sphere, or a not so nice sphere, it all is progress if you keep working at it.
Keep up the great work !
Thankz, tiz' my idea of fun, to an exactness, even when I am cussing about it %)

I code, therefore I am......
Hehe, sorry again :P


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