Just my 2 cts... I guess lately you stumbled on some quirks by pure bad
luck, the waste of time must be frustrating!

Yes , you are right ... you are just guessing , and once again
have not taken the time to actually read the thread (who
could blame you , it's now a mile long) .

Hey, I followed the thread.
I was lucky enough to avoid both the JS madness and the imaginary V6 demo download because by pure coincidence other things had priority; you weren't.

 I normally go into repeat mode for you , but my New Year's
Resolution prevents me from doing that .

And you complain about certain list members being sarcastic? You lost me.

 Looking forward to seeing some of this work you keep
talking about .


www.athanor3d.com   (under heavy construction)

Garry: I was just trying to comfort your tortured soul but obviously that's all wasted...

Back on topic: how about people's experiences with the Packer?


PS the shorter my posts, the longer it takes to compose them - deleting all the potentially offensive crap takes a lot of time ;)

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