You are at version 6.01.04 . How ? Did you get an update
from realsoft ? If not , how would you explain the version
difference ?

 Did you change something in the code ? What ? What was
causing it to not run for us V6 users ?

 Throw us a bone .


Just my 2 cts... I guess lately you stumbled on some quirks by pure bad luck, the waste of time must be frustrating!

I didn't have time to check out the JS stuff, really have to focus on the things I need right now, like the Building tool and...

...the Packer! Let me just say I'll call it the 'Picky Packer' from now on... Anyone tried the Packer tuts? I got in trouble whenever I strayed from the tut a millimeter, unlike the Building tool which is very intuitive :(

Maybe it's one of those blind spots in my mind, the concept reminds me a bit of the GUI customization tools.

But I recognize its great potential and swear I'll be Packer Master before the summer!


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