I created a new seed site and started from scratch and the problem has
disappeared. I must have broken something with my tinkering previously.
That's the trouble with not really knowing what I am doing. I'm still having
problems with some images not rendering correctly in PDF, and with one
document that won't render in PDF at all, but now at least I have something
to play with.

I now need to figure out where, and how, to edit styles for sdocbook.

Would it be of any help to other beginners for me to document what I have
done that worked? I must admit I found the documentation seemed to assume a
bit more knowledge than I started with. Of course, I could just be leading
myself up the garden path.


-----Original Message-----
From: Diwaker Gupta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 3:26 PM
To: user@forrest.apache.org
Subject: Re: Forrest run works but forrest doesn't

On Monday 01 August 2005 8:23 pm, Phillip Evans wrote:
> I am running under windows xp. I am running 'forrest' and 'forrest run'
> from the site directory that I ran forrest seed in. $FORREST_HOME is 
> set to the directory above the site directory, ie 
> 'apache-forrest-0.7'. Listed below is the broken links file generated 
> by the build, the majority of which I am guessing relates to the failure
to generate the LH Navigation.

Can you please paste the output of a "forrest site". My guess is that this
is a plugin related issue, but I'd rather not speculate without further

> My next step is to start a new seed site and apply my changes one step 
> at a time and test with both 'forrest run' and 'forrest' at each 
> stage. What better way to learn?

Yes, the very first test should be that you are able to seed a fresh project
and run Forrest in both static and dynamic modes without any errors. If that
works, then something specific to your project is causing problems
(forrest.properties, skinconf, validation etc).

Web/Blog/Gallery: http://floatingsun.net