Phillip Evans wrote:
> I created a new seed site and started from scratch and the problem has
> disappeared. I must have broken something with my tinkering previously.
> That's the trouble with not really knowing what I am doing. I'm still having
> problems with some images not rendering correctly in PDF, and with one
> document that won't render in PDF at all, but now at least I have something
> to play with.
> I now need to figure out where, and how, to edit styles for sdocbook.

What do you mean by "edit styles"?

Anyway ...
cd forrest
find . -name "*sdocbook*.xsl"

This transforms sdocbook elements into the internal format
which then gets renderd by the normal Forrest mechanisms.

> Would it be of any help to other beginners for me to document what I have
> done that worked? I must admit I found the documentation seemed to assume a
> bit more knowledge than I started with. Of course, I could just be leading
> myself up the garden path.

I suggest waiting until you understand a bit more before
trying to write documentation for others.
