On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 8:10 AM, <harry.dev...@faa.gov> wrote:

> I use Chrome and I use the Developer Console all the time.  I just tried
> it again and got nothing at all in the console.  I even had the
> catalina.2017-11-20.log file open and got nothing in there either.  Nothing
> happens.

Great.  What about on the Network tab?  When you click the Login button, do
you see it making any attempts to access anything network-side?  For
example, when I log in, I see a POST to the api/tokens REST endpoint with
the credentials, and I receive a 200 (OK) response.  You should see this
POST happen, and then some sort of return - 200 for OK (which I would not
expect in your case), 403 if the credentials are not accepted, or 500 if
there's a server-side error.


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