im playing around with guacamole on docker coupled with virtualbox (VRDE)
The connection works fine and I can browse my VMs as long as they are
powered on.
To overcome the fact that they must be powered on, I started to play around
with the WoL feature.
I was successfully able to receive WoL packets from the guacamole frontend
container to my host machine and via tcpdump I'm able to listen for these
packets so that I can trigger a "VBoxManage startvm" command the poweron a
The issue is that even if the VM comes up and even with 5 seconds of Host
boot wait time the connection is not established.
I think i'm quite close to a decente result because if immediately after
the first connection request (which starts up the vm) i disable the WoL
feature from guacamole frontend and reconnect i can see the boot logo and
work on it normally.
Is the WoL feature expecting a reply from the machine that is woken up
before trying to connect?


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