Here's the log when sending the WoL

guacd[62]: DEBUG: Parameter "disable-paste" omitted. Using default value of
guacd[62]: INFO: No clipboard line-ending normalization specified.
Defaulting to preserving the format of all line endings.
guacd[62]: INFO: User "@756fda37-b4af-482d-8368-ea16537f4c50" joined
connection "$b6c58b35-903c-4789-b63b-729435f42f47" (1 users now present)
guacd[62]: DEBUG: Sending Wake-on-LAN packet, and pausing for 5 seconds.
guacd[62]: DEBUG: Client is using protocol version "VERSION_1_5_0"
guacd[1]: INFO: Connection "$b6c58b35-903c-4789-b63b-729435f42f47" removed.
guacd[1]: DEBUG: Unable to request termination of client process: No such
guacd[1]: DEBUG: All child processes for connection
"$b6c58b35-903c-4789-b63b-729435f42f47" have been terminated.

Here's the log when not sending the WoL

guacd[80]: DEBUG: Parameter "disable-paste" omitted. Using default value of
guacd[80]: INFO: No clipboard line-ending normalization specified.
Defaulting to preserving the format of all line endings.
guacd[80]: DEBUG: Parameter "wol-send-packet" omitted. Using default value
of 0.
guacd[80]: INFO: User "@726756d1-8d02-4142-bc61-8f77e0f207ca" joined
connection "$bf1bda0e-9c0d-4d6e-b39d-cdb697e7455f" (1 users now present)
guacd[80]: DEBUG: Client is using protocol version "VERSION_1_5_0"
guacd[80]: INFO: Loading keymap "base"
guacd[80]: INFO: Loading keymap "en-us-qwerty"
guacd[80]: DEBUG: Support for CLIPRDR (clipboard redirection) registered.
Awaiting channel connection.
guacd[80]: DEBUG: Support for static channel "rdpdr" loaded.
guacd[80]: DEBUG: Support for static channel "rdpsnd" loaded.
guacd[80]: DEBUG: Local framebuffer format  PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRX32
guacd[80]: DEBUG: Remote framebuffer format PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA32
guacd[80]: DEBUG: CLIPRDR (clipboard redirection) channel connected.
guacd[80]: DEBUG: SVC "rdpdr" connected.
guacd[80]: DEBUG: SVC "rdpsnd" connected.
guacd[80]: INFO: Accepted format: 16-bit PCM with 2 channels at 22050 Hz
guacd[80]: INFO: Connected to RDPDR 1.12 as client 0x0003
guacd[80]: DEBUG: Ignoring server capability set type=0x0001, length=44
guacd[80]: DEBUG: Ignoring server capability set type=0x0005, length=8
guacd[80]: DEBUG: Sending capabilities...
guacd[80]: DEBUG: Capabilities sent.
guacd[80]: DEBUG: Client ID confirmed
guacd[80]: DEBUG: [0x0a] OpaqueRect - SERVER BUG: The support for this
feature was not announced!
guacd[1]: DEBUG: Guacamole connection closed during handshake
guacd[1]: DEBUG: Error reading "select": End of stream reached while
reading instruction
guacd[80]: DEBUG: Clipboard data received. Reporting availability of
clipboard data to RDP server.

Il giorno dom 24 dic 2023 alle ore 11:05 Massimiliano Gilli <> ha scritto:

> Hello,
> im playing around with guacamole on docker coupled with virtualbox (VRDE)
> The connection works fine and I can browse my VMs as long as they are
> powered on.
> To overcome the fact that they must be powered on, I started to play
> around with the WoL feature.
> I was successfully able to receive WoL packets from the guacamole frontend
> container to my host machine and via tcpdump I'm able to listen for these
> packets so that I can trigger a "VBoxManage startvm" command the poweron a
> vm.
> The issue is that even if the VM comes up and even with 5 seconds of Host
> boot wait time the connection is not established.
> I think i'm quite close to a decente result because if immediately after
> the first connection request (which starts up the vm) i disable the WoL
> feature from guacamole frontend and reconnect i can see the boot logo and
> work on it normally.
> Is the WoL feature expecting a reply from the machine that is woken up
> before trying to connect?
> Regards,

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