On Sun, Dec 24, 2023 at 5:06 AM Massimiliano Gilli <max90g...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> im playing around with guacamole on docker coupled with virtualbox (VRDE)
> The connection works fine and I can browse my VMs as long as they are
> powered on.
> To overcome the fact that they must be powered on, I started to play
> around with the WoL feature.
> I was successfully able to receive WoL packets from the guacamole frontend
> container to my host machine and via tcpdump I'm able to listen for these
> packets so that I can trigger a "VBoxManage startvm" command the poweron a
> vm.
> The issue is that even if the VM comes up and even with 5 seconds of Host
> boot wait time the connection is not established.
> I think i'm quite close to a decente result because if immediately after
> the first connection request (which starts up the vm) i disable the WoL
> feature from guacamole frontend and reconnect i can see the boot logo and
> work on it normally.
> Is the WoL feature expecting a reply from the machine that is woken up
> before trying to connect?
No, the WoL feature does not wait for a reply from the target machine - it
just sends the WoL packet and then attempts the connection. This generally
results in a connection "failure" the first time around, and then success,
depending on how long it takes the VM to boot. There is a feature request
out there somewhere in Jira to make the WoL feature a little bit more
"intelligent" in this regard, like sending the WoL packet and then pinging
or attempting a TCP connect to the machine that has just been woken up
until it responds so that you don't get the failure, timeout, and then have
to retry.

It is worth nothing that you do not need to disable the WoL feature before
re-trying the connection - it should just work as soon as the system is



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