Am 01.12.2015 um 05:55 schrieb David Leangen:

So as you see it is not the build system. I would be interested how you do all 
the things above without the maven repo.
I get the feeling that you are comparing apples to smoothies. The apple is the 
actual repository, i.e. convention as to where and how the data is stored, 
while the smoothie is what you do with it. I think that OBR is a more advanced 
apple than maven, but nobody has really developed the smoothie yet, so maven 
has the better smoothie. You seem more interested in the smoothie, maybe. (Ok, 
bad metaphor??)

Since maven is so widely adopted, it would be foolish to ignore. That is not 
what I am suggesting. However, I think it would not be wise to force Karaf 
users into the maven world, either.
You are right. For OSGi we need a repository with support for OSGi metadata. Only then can we use the resolver in an efficient way. I think an OBR like Cave is the wrong approach though. It want to index the whole repository which does not work on the scale of maven repos.... especially not for maven central.

I think the nice middle ground is using the maven indexer plugin the Tim Ward created. I plan to use this plugin in the build process of the apache projects (per project and per version). So for example hibernate 5.0.0 would create an index with all the bundles it needs. This index is then stored in the maven repository as a file.

So this has two advantages.
1. The index does not have any conflicting bundles
2. The index is small and easy to handle.

So I think this has the potential to combine the advantages of maven and obr.

I really like the way that Karaf has handled blueprint vs. DS. Kara itself is 
based in part on blueprint, but I am not forced to use it. This, I do not mind 
at all. Even when I list the current bundles, by default I don’t even have to 
look at the stuff installed behind the scenes. I was initially worried about 
all the “stuff” getting installed, but I have relaxed a bit.

For Karaf commands, also at first I was not happy that it forced me to decided 
“either or” simple gogo commands or Karaf commands. However, the commands 
really are nice. I think somebody should push to have completes and all the 
other nice stuff added to the OSGi spec.
Fully agree. I was never a fan of the karaf command style. The felix ones are much nicer in regard to OSGi services and we should bring them en part with the karaf style and support both styles in karaf. It would also be great to then put the enhancement into a spec. I would really like to see commands that are then usable in karaf but also in plain OSGi frameworks or even outside OSGi. There is no reason why all of these must be different.


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