
I wonder if there is a way to use the jasypt feature in Karaf 4.1.4 to encrypt 
passwords in configuration files without having to define the placeholders 
using Blueprint but rather using a cfg file in /etc/? 

All the examples I've found so far are rather "old" and still rely on Blueprint 
... I'm not using Blueprint at all in my applications and I would appreciate if 
I didn't have to use it just for this configuration. 

If it was possible to define these placeholders in a cfg file in /etc/ it would 
make things easier ... or is there even an easier way to support encrypted 
properties with the current Karaf releases? 

Thank you very much for your support 


Schéin Gréiss, 
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, 
Meilleures salutations, 
Kind regards, 
Alex Weirig 
Responsable Technique 

Ville de Luxembourg - Centre Technolink 
2, rue Charles de Tornaco 
[ mailto:alex.wei...@technolink.lu | alex.wei...@technolink.lu ] 

Tel: +352 4796 - 6127 
Fax: +352 42 88 81 
[ http://www.technolink.lu/ | www.technolink.lu ] 

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