
Johan Svensson skrev:
One way would be to do a traversal from the "word-node" with the least
number for relationships.

OK, I implemented this. But I *do* have to iterate over the relationships to get the count?

At the moment I only want the search to return one best match: either the first that matches all search words or the one matching as many words as possible (this alternative is a bit simplistic as I start the traversal from one point only).

I attached some screenshots from my current IMDB node space.

I tried two different ways performing the traversal:
1. traverser framework
2. nested loops
Both do have their pros and cons, I think.

Any suggestions for improvements on the code?
Wich one would you choose?!


// use a traverser
Traverser traverser = startNode.traverse( Order.DEPTH_FIRST,
   new StopEvaluator()
       public boolean isStopNode( TraversalPosition currentPos )
           return currentPos.depth() >= 2;
   }, ReturnableEvaluator.ALL_BUT_START_NODE, wordRelType,
   Direction.BOTH );
Node currentBase = null;
int count = 0;
for ( Node node : traverser )
   if ( traverser.currentPosition().depth() == 1 )
       currentBase = node;
       count = 0;
   else if ( wordList.contains( node ) )
       if ( count == listSize )
           return currentBase;
       if ( count > highscore )
           bestMatch = currentBase;
           highscore = count;

// loop over relationships
for ( Relationship rel : startNode.getRelationships( wordRelType ) )
   Node node = rel.getEndNode();
   int count = 0;
   for ( Relationship innerRel : node.getRelationships( wordRelType ) )
       if ( wordList.contains( innerRel.getStartNode() ) )
           if ( count == listSize )
               return node;
   if ( count > highscore )
       bestMatch = node;
       highscore = count;

<<inline: 1.png>>

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