Hi Katie,

please refer to our Wiki: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/FAQ+-+Tips+-+Tricks+-+Cookbook+-+HowTo#FAQTipsTricksCookbookHowTo-HTTPD

If you use the Apache Webserver you don't need to bother with the Tomcat keystore.


Michael Brohl

ecomify GmbH - www.ecomify.de

Am 26.06.20 um 09:30 schrieb Katie Qiu:

I'm new to OFBiz, Please check the steps I have taken and pointed out what I
miss because it's not working on production site

1. I was able to make it work on localhost. I'm also able to access data
that came with the project (ex:

2. I installed SSL Certificate in Microsoft IIS for the project on
production site my Windows Server 2012 (I was able to access
<https://www.mywebsitedomain.com/> https://www.mywebsitedomain.com now)

a.  I use virtual private server from IONOS and it provides me a free SSL. I
imported .PFX file provided from IONOS, then the domain can be accessed as

b. As you suggested, I looked into  <https://letsencrypt.org/>
https://letsencrypt.org/, but I didn't see any .PFX file neither other
certificate files that IONOS provided me (on the OFBiz Product Setup page,
it shows .cer files (which I also got from IONOS) is used to enter Keystore.
Maybe I missed something. For now, I use SSL from IONOS, but if you think I
should use Let's encrypt, then please let me know if have to have the .PFX
and cer files

3. I installed Apache 24 on Windows server as well. I was able to access
localhost and see the index page showing "it works"

4. I have edited "keystoreFile" and "KeyPass" in ofbiz-component  at

<property name="keystoreFile" value="C:\Program Files\Apache Software
Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\webapps\apache-ofbiz-17.12.03\keystore.jks"/>

             <property name="keystoreType" value="JKS"/>

             <property name="keyAlias" value="ofbiz"/>

             <property name="keyPass" value="Mypassword"/>

5.  I then tried to follow  <https://s.apache.org/vmemj>
https://s.apache.org/vmemj and edit httpd.conf file and httpd-ssl.conf, but
when trying to Start Apache 24, it gives me some error messages (I got no
error before editing the two files).

a.  I have edited ofbiz-containers.xml and url.properties file (change 8080
to 80 and 8443 to 443)

b. For httpd.conf: not recognizing some words like "RewriteEngine On"

c. For httpd-ssl.conf, for example, I get error "AH00526: Syntax error on
line 177 of c:/Apache24/conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf: SSLCertificate KeyFile:
file 'c:/Apache24/conf/server.key' does not exit or is empty"  - It's true,
I don't have such file, but I'm not sure where I can get it.

Thank you very much  in advance


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