Hi Katie ,

Your message has been moderated (again, twice :D), else it would not have 
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Please subscribe to the user ML for such questions and then use your email 
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The wider the audience the better the answers you might get.

Seriously  ;)



Le 13/07/2020 à 09:10, Katie Qiu a écrit :
Hi Pierre, Jacques and Michael,

I want to thank you all again. I am finally able to make OFBiz on Windows 
Server work with SSL  Let's encrypt and Apache. I couldn't have done it without 
your support :-)

Now I am facing a new problem on production: Please check my website: 

You will see the page shows as below:
Index of /

When visiting  https://www.polluniverse.com/webapp/ecommerce/ I expect I should 
see the index.jsp page in the folder, but I see the source code of the 
index.jsp page
I have done the following
1.      Put the following in HTTPD
<IfModule dir_module>
     DirectoryIndex index.jsp

2.      apache-ofbiz-17.12.03 and webapp are two folders. These two folders are 
at SITEROOT "C:/apache24/htdocs/www/polluniverse.com"

A.      apache-ofbiz-17.12.03 is the project folder (what I downloaded from 
Ofbiz website).

B.      webapp is from folder at 
 and I copy it to SITEROOT C:/apache24/htdocs/www/polluniverse.com"

C.      In ofbiz-component.xml, I change the "mount-point" attribute on that tag to 

I'm not sure if I have moved the ecommerce webapp folder correctly or not. The 
reason I did it is because I read about Mounting a Root WebApp from the OFBiz 
Production Setup page.

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